Disclaimer: I am not a medical professional, laymen terms. I collect information for personal consumption below and will keep it updated. Too much noise currently.
- 26.03.2020: Added Spread and Containment Simulator
- 27.03.2020: Added tested and proven 3D Prints; Added further national dashboards. Fixed the estimated percentages of asymptomatic infections. Clarified terminology (Symptomatic, Asymptomatic, Infected, Ill). Added "From the horse's mouth" section - on the ground reports.
- 29.03.2020 : Added details on why the mortality rate is so different from country to country. In Section Statistics.
- 30.03.2020 : Added Ventilator Pumps Open source designs and information on Disinfecting 3D Prints in the section "What can I do ?" Added interview with Professor Kim Woo-joo from Korea University Guro Hospital in "Videos to watch".
- 31.03.2020 : Added statistics showing the daily number of cases instead of a logarytmic/cumulative approach in statistics. If you want to see these for your country head over to this dashboard: https://nssac.bii.virginia.edu/covid-19/dashboard/
- 01.04.2020 : Added COVID-Trends (Thanks to @memgrinder) and CoronaVirus Forecast (Thanks to @GunstickULM) in Statistics.
- 25.04.2020 : Added Graphs based on the projections of the UNI.LU For Luxembourg
A striking number of officials can't get their terminology right making some of their statements and statistics void of any meaning hence I will use the following :- SARS-CoV-2 is the name of the particular Coronavirus strain we are seeing now.
- COVID-19 is the respiratory disease caused by the virus NOT the name of the virus
- "Infected" = Infected with the virus (Could be symptomatic OR unsymptomatic)
- "Sick" or "ill" = Infected and suffering from COVID-19 (Symptomatic)
- Infected does not equal Sick (Symptomatic)
- Depending on the "study" the percentage of the infected that experience no symptoms (.i.e. no COVID-19) is 51%, 69% or 81% (Source: https://www.rki.de/DE/Content/InfAZ/N/Neuartiges_Coronavirus/Steckbrief.html#doc13776792bodyText6). Thanks to Marc Didier for the headsup.
Fact Searching
Problems with the current statistics - a different way to count Infections. Meaningless terminology like counting "healed". Healed from what? COVID-19 ?
- Why do case fatality rate (CFR) for COVID19 differ so much between countries? : Source : Dr. Emma Hodcroft : https://threadreaderapp.com/thread/1243870730716094464.html
- Examples :
- Italy tests for coronavirus on deceased
- Terminally ill cancer patient that died and had the presence of the virus accounted as being a victim of SARS-COV2 (Patient #35 - Germany - Source: Prof. Sucharit Bhakdi https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JBB9bA-gXL4)
Some countries and/or Media only publish cumulative Dashboards. Below you'll find Germany and Luxembourg (both opting for enforced social distancing) - you see indicators that the initiatives work, a flattening of the curve.
Simulation based on Luxembourg stopping the lockdown on May 4th
Simulation based on Luxembourg stopping the lockdown with Backtracing
Projections for Luxembourg
Simulation based on Luxembourg continuing the lockdown
“(...) midterm projections for Luxembourg predicting the number of assumed positive Covid-19 cases, ICU demands and deaths cases for a continued Lockdown. The projections are obtained by a stochastic agent based epidemiological model and gives for each average value also a 90% confidence interval.”
“(...) midterm projections for Luxembourg predicting the number of assumed positive Covid-19 cases, ICU demands and deaths cases for a continued Lockdown. The projections are obtained by a stochastic agent based epidemiological model and gives for each average value also a 90% confidence interval.”

“(...) midterm projections for Luxembourg predicting the number of assumed positive Covid-19 cases, ICU demands and deaths cases for a scenario of a general exit on May 4th. The projections are obtained by a stochastic agent based epidemiological model and gives for each average value also a 90% confidence interval.”
“(...) midterm projections for Luxembourg predicting the number of assumed positive Covid-19 cases, ICU demands and deaths cases for a scenario of a release of 63k workers on April 20th with initial testing or 25% effective backtracking. The projections are obtained by a stochastic agent based epidemiological model and gives for each average value also a 90% confidence interval.”

- Europe / WHO
https://who.maps.arcgis.com/apps/opsdashboard/index.html#/ead3c6475654481ca51c248d52ab9c61 - Worldwide:
https://nssac.bii.virginia.edu/covid-19/dashboard/ - Worldwide:
https://www.worldometers.info/coronavirus/#countries - Worldwide:
https://gisanddata.maps.arcgis.com/apps/opsdashboard/index.html#/bda7594740fd40299423467b48e9ecf6 - Austria :
https://info.gesundheitsministerium.at/ - Germany :
https://experience.arcgis.com/experience/478220a4c454480e823b17327b2bf1d4 - France :
- Containement Simulator : http://gabgoh.github.io/COVID/index.html
Simulate containment and infection spread - Covid-19 Forecast : http://phico.io/coronavirus/charts/
Compare Trend per country - Covid-19 Trends : https://aatishb.com/covidtrends/
New confirmed cases of COVID-19 in the past week vs. the total confirmed cases to date. When plotted in this way, exponential growth is represented as a straight line that slopes upwards
3D Prints / "What can I do ?"
- Open Source ventilator designs:
1. https://freebreathing.org/
2. https://e-vent.mit.edu/ - Dive Masks Adapters :
https://www.prusaprinters.org/prints/27214-decathlon-face-mask-adapters - Faceshields :
https://docs.library.ucla.edu/plugins/servlet/mobile?contentId=215259556#content/view/215259556 - Disinfecting PLA (or other materials) within isopropanol poses no problem for the prints: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=txrXX0CQHhU
From the Horses Mouth
- NY - 25/03 : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bE68xVXf8Kw
An emergency room doctor in Elmhurst, Queens, gives a rare look inside a hospital at the center of the coronavirus pandemic. “We don’t have the tools that we need.”
Common Symptoms
- Fever
- Cough and Respiratory Difficulties
- Loosing smell or taste <-
Disinfectant DYI:
- 4 Parts Rubbing Alcohol (Isopropanol)
- 1 Part Water
- 1 Part Citric Acid (smell)
The above kills virii and is nothing else then what is in commercially available disinfectants.
Videos to watch
- English / Korean
- Professor Kim Woo-joo from Korea University Guro Hospital
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gAk7aX5hksU - German :
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