I updated BTCrack Open Source Edition (BTCrack OSS) to version 1.01 by patching 2 bugs that were reported by Michael Ossmann and Carl Dunhamm.

Updates to 1.01
- Resolved a format string bug - Thanks to Michael Ossman for sending in a patch.
- The Master ACO was overwritten by the the slave ACO thus impairing decryption of the stream - Thanks to Carl Dunhamm (carl.dunhamm@hotmail.com) for providing a patch.
Carl Dunhamm also suggested changing the way the INRAND value is assumed to come from the Master, indeed sometimes INRAND comes from the Slave. In this case BTcrack fails to crack the PIN and reconstruct the link-key. This patch my friends however I leave to the readers, I would welcome any other patch submission you might have.
The download is available hereGood Times
In memory of good times and in relation to this release of BTCrack I include two of my past stunts below - an excerpt of my 23C3 talk where I demoed the first remote root vulnerability over Bluetooth - curtsey of Kevin Finistere and a TV Show I participated in that was aired in Germany for SAT1. In case you wonder, when the Mac is pwned I command it to say "I am a Mac, I am PC - we both suck".
23C3 - Remote Root over Bluetooth POC
SAT1 Planetopia
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